Wednesday, June 30, 2010

EX 13 Dimension/Scale/Depth


M.C. Escher was the king of illusionist when it came to space and scalse.  In the above drawing by Escher the use of scale creates the illusion that a person is holding a globe with a man in it or that the globe has a mirrored surface where the artist is reflected in. It is all in the eye of the beholder. Yet in the globe the depth of space allows you to see the whole other room that Escher is in.  This is a true illusion of space.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Ex 11 - BLOG / Tone and Color

Print Design - Tone & Color


In the above example the tone of the images and use of abstract design create the mood and effect of the magazine covers.  If these images were picked in a higher color tone and brighter they would not have the heavy effect.  The heavy contrast in the tones also allows the feel.

The tone along with the dimensions of the work further effect the heavieness of the the magazine.  The mug shot taking up the entire piece further creates a heavy overwhelming feel.


The use of only simple red, and hughes of black and white in the text has an immense effect on the magazine cover.  The simplicity with the words jumping at you in red with Blood or American Tragedy with the Booking numbers below create the feel of death and guilt. 

The color is also used in the imagery together with the tone as often in design.  The use of the tonal color of the images and bold shape of the text make a strong and true impact on the viewer.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ex 9 Basic Elements Print Design


The shape of a circle is used in this print design as an element of enclosure by creating business cards in the shape of a cirlce. This circular shape is also encompassed in the logo in the letter O's also significant in representing continuity in shape and design.


In this print design piece the designer simulated the texture of a paint ball splatter on a wall or paper to further exhibit the feeling of being a target. This texture which mimics the effect of paint ball is an example of how a designer can place the feeling of the movement in the texture of a piece of art work.


In these two print designs for the Olympics the designer mimic the emotion or feel of movement with repititon. The first is the illusion of the tennis ball bouncing off the racket. The change in angles also creates the illusion of complexity to represent the difficulty of tennis in the olympics. If the designer only chose one angle it would be simplisitc and could also lose the intensity of the movement in the design.

The second of the two is of fencing. This is piece definitely has a more of an abstract version of how the designer could portray the sport. The movement used with line andother Dondis Element to create a almost Helix movement to give the feel of twists and circular movements common with the Fencing Sport.

Ex 6 Visual Language Syntax

Ansel Adams is a landscape photographer who captures the visual balnce in nature.  His work always finds a focus on the beauty wether a close up or at a far vague distance of a focal point such as Half Dome.  Altough B&W photography was his only choice this simplicity is still used and respected today.  His balance of shadows and light allow an artist to feel the serenity in the image.

Unlike a family photo his visual syntax is to encompass nature and choose the angel to which the camera catches the full dimension and impact the environment holds.

Ex 5 - Visual vs Symbolic Language









The image for Economy above is simple and clean with a green glass like globe of the earth over a twenty dollar bill. It could imply the weight of the earth is heavier and overlays on the American dollar.

Economy is global as suggeted but it also has many other important elements to it such as business and large companies, the stock market, employment etc.  It would be good to incorporate those items as well as the ever consistant fluxuation of the economy we all know so well.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ex2 Feature Hierarchy in Visual Searches BLOG Exercise


The Feature Channel Hierarchies of the above fax machine are simplistic in design and function. The colors used are limited to the two most important functions to the use of the fax machine.  The Start Button (send fax or copy), the Cancel Button, and the light buttons, on large to exhibit the option for Energy Saver which lights up green when the option is selected. The same green lights are options for quality and production options.

The shapes used in the design of the fax machine are used for accessibility.  The size of the Start Button is a large and round this increases the visibility as well as ease for use.  The peach Cancel button is also larger than the other buttons and is actually branching off of the Start button so it can be identified quickly. The rest of the buttons are simple in shape and size to keep conformity to the typical phone pad.  The quick dial numbers are a little smaller but raised for convienience.

Their is little motion on the fax machine interface except for the motion from the option lights turning on and off and the click from pressing a key to know if has responded.

Spatially the interface is balanced with the key pad to the left and the Start and Cancel Buttons to the right.  Laid out in reading style and order of use. The key pad is used first to enter a number than the Start Button to send.  If the fax needs to be cancelled the Cancel button is branched off to the right from the start button.

BBC Time Line

The Feature Channel Hierarchies of the BBC Time Line are interactive in design and function.  Color is used extensively in this design interface. Color depicts time and change and the color is how one can identify eras.

The shapes used in the hierarchy of the timeline are simplistic and streamlined with horizontal rectangles that are wider and shorter based on the length of time. This allows the viewer to identify the color changes in a clear format. The other shapes are buttons again the size determines significance of use. The long scroll bar at the bottom mimics the time line to allow you to see a minimized version of the changes and pic or scroll from based on choice.

The motion used in the BBC Timeline is much more interactive and exciting.  The motion of the scroll option and color changes allows the user to study the information in a more intense manner. 

Spacially the BBC Timeline is condensed but it to has the use moving from a reading pane of left to right with the timeline itself reading that way.  The final imput button again being on the right side of the interface.

Overall it is clear that the Fax MAchine was developed to be quick, clear, concise and no nonsense.  Where as the BBC Timeline is meant to be interactive pulling the user into it to dive further into the history.